help SSS : mac user pro demandé !!

c'est pas si simple lol
quand je clique dessus le terminal aparait et me met "logout- opération terminée" .. puis rien , jpeu atendre longtemps rien ne se passe :(
je te fais une copie du readme inclus avec SSS et qui explique comment faire...
en général, il suffit d'essayer de lire les instructions pour faire marcher un programme.:

This is the OSX version of sss-2.16.7

You need:
OSX-10.3.4 or higher.

Unstuff sss-osx-0.6.sit to your sss-2.16.7 directory.

Run Batch Commands:
Go to the batch-files folder and double click the command file you want to launch.
If you want to use the *.command files first remove the *.bat files from the batch_files folder (You don't need them as OSX user.)

Run in (optional) Terminal Mode:
You still may start it like 'real' Unix users do but not everybody wants to type such cryptic things.
For those there's a good description from surfimp:
All you need is Mac OSX 10.3.4 or above, the standard download of SSS 2.16.7, and Barney's OSX 0.6 file. You copy the file named 'sss' from Barney's archive, paste it into the sss-2.16.7 folder (created after you unzip the basic SSS download) and then start SSS from the command line in Terminal.

To start SSS at the command line, all you need to do is open Terminal and use the 'cd' command to change to the directory of your SSS program, then run the command './sss' (without single quotes). So, if you downloaded SSS to your Documents folder (for example) and unzipped it there following the instructions above, then when you open Terminal to run the program you would enter commands something like this:

Yourcomputer:~ yourname$ cd Documents/sss-2.16.4
Yourcomputer:~/Documents/sss-2.16.5 yourname$ ./sss

("Yourcomputer" will be your computer name, and "yourname" will be the user name you are logged in as)

To download SSS, go to

None (As far as I have tested ;-)

v0.2: Now uses multitexture -- looks much better. Smoke an Flares are correct.
I bet the 3ds code is correct now but the gliders are still
invisible <grrr>
v0.3: OSX now can display the cherhill terrain (with memory mapping)
v0.4: PPC now is able to load *.3ds files
v0.5: Added some clickable start scripts
v0.6: Compiled for 2.16.6 (not tested)
v0.7: Compiled for 2.16.7 (not tested ... too fast released ;-)


-- Barney

maintenant, si tu n'as pas de dossier Batch files , ainsi qu'une flopée d'autres fichiers et dossiers avec le programme, c'est peut-etre qu'il vaut mieux que tu re-télécharge le tout depuis une source correcte.
l'adresse est indiquée dans le readme.. c'est chez yahoogroups.

bon courage.
merci de ton aide .. mais a vrai dire je l'avais déja lu sans rien y comprendre (moi et l'anglais ..) puis je l'ai telecharger chez yahoogroups .. sa doit etre un beug parce-que un ami la telecharger sur le même lien et il a pas les même chose que moi ..
bon j'laisse tomber tampis :(
merci encore @+