télécommande une voie/arduino

Salut, déjà j'avais un souci avec le module 2,4ghz orange, je suis passé sur un frsky, j'ai réécrit un bou de code et c'est bon ça fonctionne, j'ai plus qu'à faire un montage propre
Tu peux aussi utiliser cette librairies dite asynchrone réalisée par LOUSSOUARN Philippe .
Je te joins une version compatible IDE 1.6.6 .

Cet exemple, que tu trouvera dans cette librairie, pourrait te convenir (voir .\examples\RcSeq\MultiPosSwitch\MultiPosSwitch.ino) !
#include <RcSeq.h>
#include <TinyPinChange.h>
#include <SoftRcPulseIn.h>

For this sketch to compile, RC_SEQ_WITH_SOFT_RC_PULSE_IN_SUPPORT and RC_SEQ_WITH_SHORT_ACTION_SUPPORT shall be defined
in PathOfTheLibraries/(Digispark)RcSeq/RcSeq.h and RC_SEQ_WITH_SOFT_RC_PULSE_OUT_SUPPORT shall be commented.

  This sketch demonstrates how to easily use a 3 positions switch on a channel of a RC Transmitter with <RcSeq> library.
  1) If the switch is at the MIDDLE position, a LED will be OFF
  2) If the switch is at the DOWN   position, a LED will be ON
  2) If the switch is at the UP     position, a LED will blink

  This sketch can be extended to a rotactor (up to 8 positions)
  RC Navy (2013)

                   WIRING A TRANSMITTER SIDE                                     WIRING AT RECEIVER SIDE
                            .------+-------------> +
                            |      |
              /             |      #                                               .-------------------------.
              |          UP o      # 4.7K                                          |                         |
              |              \     #                                               |     ARDUINO or ATTINY   |
 3 positions  |               \    |                                               |                         |     R
   switch    <    MIDDLE o     o---+-------------> To Tx Channel       Rx Channel->|RC_CHANNEL_PIN   LED_PIN >----###---|>|----|GND
              |                C   |                                               |                         |          LED
              |                    #                                               |          Sketch         |
              |        DOWN o      # 4.7K                                          '-------------------------'    External or
              \             |      #                                                                              Built-in LED
                            |      |
                            '------+-------------> -
     | Switch Pos | Pulse Width Range (us) |    Action    |
     |     UP     |      1000 -> 1270      | LED Blinking |
     |   MIDDLE   |      1360 -> 1630      | LED OFF      |
     |    DOWN    |      1720 -> 1990      | LED ON       |
     <RcSeq> computes automatically the valid pulse width range for each position of the switch.

/* Channel Declaration */
enum {RC_CHANNEL=0, RC_CHANNEL_NB}; /* Here, as there is a single channel, we could  used a simple "#define RC_CHANNEL 0" rather an enumeration */

#define RC_CHANNEL_PIN     0 // Choose here the pin
#define LED_PIN            1 // Choose here the pin

enum {SW_POS_DOWN=0, SW_POS_MIDDLE, SW_POS_UP, SW_POS_NB}; /* Switch has 3 positions: Down, Middle and Up (For a rotactor with more positions, add positions here) */

boolean BlinkCmd=false;
boolean LedState=false;

void setup()
  RcSeq_DeclareSignal(RC_CHANNEL, RC_CHANNEL_PIN); /* RC_CHANNEL Channel is assigned to RC_CHANNEL_PIN pin */
  RcSeq_DeclareMultiPosSwitch(RC_CHANNEL, 1000, 2000, SW_POS_NB); /* Tells to <RcSeq> that the RC_CHANNEL channel has SW_POS_NB positions distributed between 1000 and 2000 us */
  RcSeq_DeclareCommandAndShortAction(RC_CHANNEL, SW_POS_DOWN,   ActionSwPosDown);   /* Action assigned to DOWN   position */
  RcSeq_DeclareCommandAndShortAction(RC_CHANNEL, SW_POS_MIDDLE, ActionSwPosMiddle); /* Action assigned to MIDDLE position */
  RcSeq_DeclareCommandAndShortAction(RC_CHANNEL, SW_POS_UP,     ActionSwPosUp);     /* Action assigned to UP     position */

  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop()
static uint32_t StartMs=millis();

  /* Refresh RcSeq (mandatory) */
  /* Blink Management */
  if( (BlinkCmd==true) && (millis() - StartMs >= 250UL) )
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LedState);

void ActionSwPosUp() /* This function will be called when the switch is in UP position */

void ActionSwPosMiddle() /* This function will be called when the switch is in MIDDLE position */
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LedState);

void ActionSwPosDown() /* This function will be called when the switch is in DOWN position */
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LedState);

Cet exemple lit donc la position d'un inter 3 positions et réalise 3 fonctions différentes !

Il te faudra donc juste modifier les fonctions ActionSwPosDown, ActionSwPosMiddle, ActionSwPosUp .

Librairie Asynchrone version 1.6.6